All teachers also offer individual yoga therapy sessions.

We prioritize healthy, harmonising movement and breathing exercises and embrace a natural life philosophy that meet the needs for buoyancy and departure, opening and unfolding, gathering and retreat, regeneration and self-reflection.

Dr. med. Günter Niessen

is a specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery, a qualified physiotherapist and yoga teacher (BDY/EYU) with over three decades of experience in many forms of physical therapy. Since starting his career in the mid-80s, he has treated tens of thousands of patients with both surgical and conservative methods. Over time, his focus has increasingly shifted from classical orthopaedic therapy to the application of gentle healing methods. In 2008 he opened his practice for yoga and orthopaedics in Berlin and co-founded the Svastha yoga therapy programme, which is now merging into the extended training of Momentum Regeneration. He is an ayurvedic therapist and certified yoga therapist according to the criteria of the International Association for Yoga Therapy C-IAYT.


Katharina Lehman

is a certified yoga teacher (E-RYT500), alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and art teacher. Yoga nidra and motivational interviewing are especially close to her heart. She practices and teaches yoga and yoga therapy internationally at seminars, workshops and conferences in English and German. Four wonderful children, different massage techniques and intensive studies on the diagnosis of mental illnesses and therapy options enrich her holistic view of the human being. 


Uta Naumer

teaches experienced anatomy and physiology in various yoga teacher trainings with enthusiasm, joie de vivre and holistic view. She is a physiotherapist, nurse, sports and gymnastics teacher and an experienced speaker among others in professional trainings for Yoga Therapy. She has been working with Dr. Günter Niessen since 2016. Her competent teaching style makes even complex issues tangible and easy to understand.


Alexander Hotz

has been working as a physio- and manual therapist in a shared practice with his wife Uta Naumer-Hotz for over 18 years. He extends his range of treatments through further education in areas such as myoreflex therapy, cranio-sacral therapy, visceral osteopathy and myofascial therapy. Besides his own experience in martial arts, he is a trained yoga teacher, yoga therapist and experienced lecturer as well as co-author of a book. Together with his wife he teaches the body-specific portions of the SvasthaYoga Therapy training.


Markus Satler

is a yoga teacher and teaches the Momentum Regeneration Yoga Therapy program as well as at yoga schools throughout Germany. He is a certified speaker and actor and has been active in sports and culture as a speaker and exercise instructor for 25 years. Initially trained at the Sports University of Cologne, he devoted himself to understanding the body before the psychology of the mind captivated him in a variety of roles on stage. He feels the need to support people in finding their personal balance in body, breath and mind again.


Michaela Kleber

has a diverse background in yoga, Buddhist meditation, bodywork and Gestalt therapy. She has been teaching yoga in groups and individual classes since 1994, and has had her own studio in Munich since 2015. In her previous professional life, she gained experience in adult education as a graduate economist and managed an NGO. She completed her training in Svastha Yoga Therapy with Ganesh Mohan and Günter Niessen and - with a large amount of experience that now consists of more than a thousand individual yoga classes - is certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. In her work with people of all ages, she is primarily concerned with motivating and empowering them to practice wise self-care on a physical, mental and spiritual level.



Anja Orttmann-Heuser

Anja Orttmann-Heuser

is an alternative practitioner, pharmacist and nutritionist. Nutrition, movement, healing and transcendence have always been major themes in her life. Through the yoga of the Krishnamcharya she found an organising principle and has been a student of AG and Indra Mohan since 2013. Through yoga she came to yoga therapy (Svastha therapy) and ayurveda (Vaidya Atreya Smith and European Academy of Ayurveda). Her main goal is to pass on the wisdom of yoga and ayurveda in individual and group classes and seminars.


Anja Orttmann-Heuser

Anneke Sips

is a Registered Nurse (RN) for psychiatry with 25 years of experience, an accredited yoga therapist (C-IAYT) in The Netherlands and the founder of „Network Yoga Therapy”. As an international trainer and speaker she builds bridges between the fields of yoga and mental health. Her expertise lies in applied philosophy and yoga for mental health, especially (complex-) trauma and psychosis.
As a therapist, she works with people in many different settings, designs and offers Integrative Yoga Therapy programs for doctors and other healthcare professionals and thereby creates an ecosystem of sustainable solutions for health and wellbeing.


Anja Orttmann-Heuser

Lucie Königová

has studied Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda for over 20 years. She has taught yoga with great joy for 17 years. Lucie's main focus is private yoga therapy, small group courses, yoga teacher mentoring, workshops and yoga teacher training. Originally a translator and social science researcher, Lucie has studied Svastha Yoga Therapy Program and several other yoga therapy, Ayurveda, somatic, natural movement and dance trainings. Her main teacher is her daughter, though 🙂 Lucie believes in the transformative, truly soothing and profoundly healing quality of yoga that restores us to our wholeness and integrity with clear and kind presence, keen and compassionate awareness and mindful and joyful living.


Anja Orttmann-Heuser

R. Sriram

from Chennai was trained by Sri TKV Desikachar in the areas of philosophy of yoga, Vedic texts and yoga as therapy. As a close and long-time student of Desikachar, he also participated in many philosophy classes of Sri T.Krishnamacharya. Sriram has been teaching yoga in India since 1982 and in Europe since 1987. He has published several books and CDs and is a respected teacher to a large number of yoga teachers in German-speaking countries and in India. Sriram has been married to dancer and writer Anjali Angelika Sriram for 40 years. The couple runs a project for nature, art and yoga in South India.
