We regularly organize workshops on a wide range of topics related to health and the possibilities of Yoga Therapy. They are suitable for getting to know as well as for deepening our yoga-therapeutic approach. We discuss pathologies of the various body regions as well as systemic diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, Parkinson's disease and many others.
The course is divided into a theoretical discussion of anatomy and pathology, practical exercises and case studies. This professional development format is open to all yoga teachers and therapists in related fields. The Yoga Therapy days offer the opportunity to get to know our functional approach and to experience its concrete application. The cost is 75€. Participants who have attended at least one training module can register at a reduced rate of 68€.
Organizational details:
The Yoga Therapy days will take place online via Zoom from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. All sessions will be recorded so that participants will also have access to the video recordings if they register before the event. In addition, we will make drawings of the exercise sequences and make them available for download.
We will send you the access link the day before the workshop. IMPORTANT: Please check your spam folder if you have not received the e-mail. Please make sure to enter your email address correctly in the registration form.