Therapy sessions | Focus on osteoporosis - New perspectives


May 09, 2024 - June 20, 2024


07:30 - 08:30


Dr. Günter Niessen




Online via Zoom - incl. video recordings
Practice for Yoga and Orthopaedics


Practice for Yoga and Orthopaedics


Focus on osteoporosis - new perspectives
6 hours of exercise for prophylaxis and prevention. Yoga Therapy

As we get older, our bones change. This is a completely normal process that also affects all other tissues in the body. Muscles become weaker and fewer, tendons thinner and more cracked, mucous membranes including the inner lining of joint capsules become drier and more irritable, our brain slower, our digestive fire weaker and our internal organs less resilient. It is undeniable that these processes, which we summarize under the term "aging", have gained a certain popularity with the bones. Bone density is easy to measure and relatively easy to treat. Nevertheless, I think a more holistic view of our ageing bodies is much more appropriate. After all, the other changes, which are only described as examples, have just as great an impact on our quality of life and require our attention. In addition, the narrow focus on osteopenia or osteoporosis is far too narrow. All of our body's tissues are interdependent in terms of their quality and what we do for one tissue also has an impact on the others. Mindfulness training or meditation leads to improved brain function and can therefore help us to make clearer decisions, such as going for a walk every day. What does this have to do with our bones? Everything!

Tissues age primarily because they adapt to our living conditions. It doesn't matter what we eat, how much we exercise and how curiously we look around us in everyday life, what decisions we make and how we shape our lives according to our values and spirituality. The lack of stress caused by too many comforts is just as decisive for the quality of the tissues and their function and interaction as too few recovery phases, reduced sleep quality or persistent stress.

I would like to explain the latter and then briefly describe this new course. Persistent stress, the feeling of being constantly on standby and still feeling overwhelmed, leads to an activation of the entire organism in the sense of a stress response. The subjective feeling or sense of stress results in hormonal changes that are accompanied by the release of activating hormones, transmitters and messenger substances throughout the body. Over 200 bones in our body then react immediately: the stores of this incredible tissue, which have been replenished during rest periods, are mobilized, phosphate, calcium, magnesium and many other minerals and electrolytes are released, thus enabling our bone tissue to respond adequately to a potentially imminent danger. Like a mother for her child, this tissue provides all the necessary substances for our heart to beat faster and more powerfully, our muscles to contract, our brain to switch to high focus and our lungs to be ready for increased oxygen consumption.

So how can we keep the quality of our bones as high as possible? What can we do so that bones break down less quickly or build up again? I would like to explain the yoga-therapeutic view and approach to you in 6 exercise classes and practise together with you. Each class begins with 10 minutes of theory. This is followed by half an hour of intensive practice and then a short five-minute relaxation phase. The last 10 minutes are dedicated to sharing specific concerns, questions or sharing what you have experienced or possible variations on the previous practice. As always, the videos are available for personal use for 6 months and, as always, the practice sessions do not replace a visit to the doctor. They are intended to inspire and help make the right choices, generate confidence and self-efficacy for self-care and provide the information needed to do just that.

Please note that the appointments are not every week on Thursday, but before the last appointment, once a week is skipped. We start at 7:30 in the morning, preferably before breakfast😉. The price for the 6 hours including VAT is 140 euros.

See you soon, Günter